This document provides you step-by-step instructions on how to upload your resumes to the FTP folder. An auto-generated mail is sent to you by the Conrep Administrator providing you details of the host server, user, and password, followed by instructions on how to upload the resumes to the FTP folder. On receiving the mail, follow the steps given below to upload all your resumes for bulk parsing.

1.  Open the mail on uploading resumes sent to you by the Conrep Team.

Note: This is a sample mail with sample data.

2. Open Windows Explorer.

3. Copy and paste the given link in the address bar. The following FTP folder is displayed.

    Note: The link is a combination of the user, password, and the host server. Clicking the link directly does not take you to the desired location  automatically.

4. Drag and drop the resumes to the FTP folder.

     Note: You can upload your resumes from your Outlook or from your local drive:

i. To upload resumes from your Outlook:

a) Select and drag the emails having resumes (from your Inbox and other folders and subfolders that you maintain) and drop them to a local folder.

         Note: You cannot drag and drop the folders directly to the FTP folder.

The mails are displayed as Outlook Item files.

b) Zip all the files or folders in the local folder itself.

c) Paste the zipped files in the FTP folder

ii. To upload resumes from your local drive:

a) Copy all the resumes from your local drive and paste them to the FTP folder.

b) Alternately, if there is a huge amount of data, zip all the files or folders here itself.

c) Paste the zipped files in the FTP folder.

5. Alternately, after Step 1, open Internet Explorer.

6. Copy and paste the link in the address bar. The following screen is displayed.

7. Click Page_Open FTP Site in Windows Explorer. The Log On As pop-up window is displayed.

8. Enter the username in the User name field.

9. Enter the password in the Password field.

10. Click Log On. The FTP folder is displayed.

Repeat step 4, to upload your resumes to the FTP folder.
